Kategorie 1
Kategorie 2
Formatiertes Datum
The titel of your calendar entry. You will see this, with the choosen category color, in all the calendar views
Date FROM:
Start Date and Time for the calendar entry.
Please check start and end dates
Date TO:
End Date and Time of your calendar entry. Single day events will be shown from choosen Start to End time. Multi-day entries will be shown as All Day entries. Repeating entries will be shown between Start and End Date for as many occurences as possible and at the choosen start and end time.
Please check start and end dates
Recurring events? Get PRO
Choose the category. Your calendar entry will be shown in this color, for an easy overview in the monthly view. A category can be a Teammember, a Car to rent or a room occupancy and many more.
Please choose
Kategorie 1
Kategorie 2
Is there a location for your event, meeting or appointment? Give any address that can be located in Google Maps and a Google-Maps link to this place will be created for you.
PRO: Choose attendees for this entry. Attendee must have a User account on your Wordpress Site, any sort of user account will be shown, also Guest( Not only users you added in admin area to be able to edit calendar entries). Once you choosen all the attendees you can send a invitation for this event to their registered email
Want to invite by Email? Get PRO
Any important notes or something to remember for this event?
This is the main description for this entry.
If you are familar with Basic HTML, you can use the buttons below. To draw text bold, italic, underline or strikethrough. Add a line or draw a part of text as Quote or formatted Code. Add a list or even include links and link images to be displayed. Remember, the PRO Version of the calendar allows to also upload pictures and is easyer to use
Line Divider
PRO: Need a field like phone number? Create them in the admin area. You can extend your form with either a one line or a multiline field for long text. Use them carefully, mostly you can add all you need in the description field.
: 2025-01-21 18:27:52